Mt. Royal Vacations

A perfect rental Management Company!



Despite what society says, there’s still a place for manners in the South. Before most children are taught how to spell or how to count, they learn these few magic words: “yes, ma’am,” “no, sir,” “please,” and “thank you.” The idea is that if we’re taught at a young age how to be polite, it’ll carry us through the rest of our lives as adults. And because we love company and, admittedly, talking, conversations with loved ones and guests are never rushed. The motto of the South is “what’s the hurry?” and that is certainly reflected in the way (and pace) in which we speak and engage with our guests here at Mt. Royal

Home Welcoming

Entertaining and welcoming family and strangers alike, into our homes, go hand in hand in the South. Every Southerner knows how to whip up a warm peach cobbler, classic Hummingbird Cake, or utter that most famous Savannian phrase “What can we get you to drink?”. When we welcome guests into our home, we are welcoming them into our lives. When under our roof(s), a good southerner always provides comfort, safety and hospitality to those in our care regardless of their origin, race, creed, or orientation. We make no apologies for embracing traditions in the south, and when it comes to having “company” over to stay the night- Our thinking in the South is that there is always room. We strive to always be prepared to put our best foot forward to provide our guests with the same loving care & hospitality that we would provide to our own family. And you can rest assured our hospitality is the “real deal’, the kind emblematic of the South.


We treat our guests like they’re family in the South. As the saying goes, “There are no strangers, just friends we haven’t met yet.” And we extend this kindness to everyone, hopefully forming lifelong connections and opening our homes and hearts to our guests. The most powerful gesture of kindness in the South is often a simple handshake, where a good, firm grip still goes a long way here. – After all, even today Empires are still forged with a simple handshake.


You can forget about fixing your own plate or helping with the dishes as a guest in a Southern home- Just as you can forget about making your own bed, or taking out the garbage when you stay with us at Mt. Royal Vacations. We take pride in serving company when they come to call, and cleaning up once we hang up our hosting hats. We’re gracious enough to lend a hand with your bags, and we’re always willing to offer directions if you’re lost on some old back road—or more likely need a great recommendation for dinner or a place to rest your feet and partake in some simply southern libations. That is, if you don’t mind hearing a few stories or settling for navigation guided by town landmarks.


What some deem as charming is just the natural Southern way of being kind, witty, and considerate to everyone we encounter, whether it be at the post office, grocery store, or at church. Having grace under pressure (ever had 42 different parties of guests coming to stay on the same day!?) and making others feel welcome and comfortable is also part of the Southern charm. Yes, we take our pleasantries very seriously in the South, and we hate saying goodbye to guests after your visit with us is over. But eventually, we’re willing to wave them off like a polite host should, with the colloquial promise of, “Y’all come back now, you hear?”


The golden rule in the South is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you, without expecting reciprocation. Southerners don’t give or dole out favors as an obligation, but we do it out of courtesy, respect, and mere habit, in hopes that you’ll return again and again. – We here at Mt. Royal Vacations sincerely hope that you will choose to give us a try, and return to see us –each and every time you find yourself in our beautiful garden home of Savannah and the wider low-country.


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Property Management experts for your vacation.Call Us (912)661-8787